ABOUT IPL Photofacials
If you are concerned about how your complexion looks because of fine lines, dark spots, or sun damage, Clear Skin Dermatology can offer you a skin examination at our Clearwater, FL office to see if you'll benefit from intense pulsed light therapy (IPL). An IPL photofacial is a rejuvenating skin treatment for adult women and men with hyperpigmentation and wrinkle concerns on their face and neck. IPL may not be an invasive procedure, but it can be very effective and produce impressive results. Seasoned dermatologist Dr. Rachel Epstein and her team of providers use intense wavelengths of light that raise the temperature of the skin just enough to start the natural regeneration process and boost collagen production. In time, you should see a healthier layer with a more even tone and fewer spots.
A photofacial works deep within the layers of your skin to correct many complexion problems (especially sun spots and brown lesions) with little or no recovery time. The best candidates for IPL treatments at Clear Skin Dermatology may have many issues with their skin, including sun damage, rosacea, hyperpigmentation (brown spots), wrinkles, rough texture, large pores, flushing, melasma, age and sun spots, or dilated capillaries. Rachel Epstein, D.O. will assess your skin to see if you are a candidate for a photofacial during your private consultation.
An IPL photofacial is completed at our Clearwater, FL office in about 20 – 30 minutes. To start the treatment, the technician will clean and dry the skin to be treated before covering your eyes with special shields. The IPL photofacial is administered using a handheld device that passes over the skin while emitting pulses of laser energy. While most patients will feel some discomfort during the IPL photofacial, it is generally tolerable for the fast treatment time.
There is no recovery time associated with a photofacial, but you will leave your appointment with your skin a little swollen and pink. This will subside on its own in several hours — it can be concealed with makeup if you want. Clear Skin Dermatology suggests patients apply an ointment on the treated skin to decrease irritation and speed healing. It also helps to take anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling. Over the next several days, the surface layer of skin will begin to flake off. It's important to keep your skin protected from the sun at all times after a photofacial and to not pick at the flaking skin.